Have you heard of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)? Also known as tapping, this simple yet powerful technique can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical issues from insomnia to headaches, anxiety, depression, addiction and symptoms of trauma. Research has show it can actually improve brain structure and function.
EFT is a form of energy psychology that combines the mind, body and its energy field to treat emotional and physical imbalances. EFT is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is called tapping because we are tapping on endpoints of the meridians of the body while saying certain statements while focusing on the challenge of what is going on in our lives.
We all get knocked off course from time to time; but how do we get back to center, balanced and moving in the direction we want to be going? We tap our way out of that place and get back on track.
During this workshop, we will explore EFT and learn the tapping points and sequence to empower you to live your best life. This technique can be used anytime, any place and doesn’t require any tools to purchase or lug around. We will tap for balance, abundance and confidence. This is a great tool to have as you move through the end of 2020 and embark on a fresh new year of 2021.
Hosted by Megan Allen