This month we welcome the Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday, June 24th. Capricorn, an Earth sign, is about ambition, leadership and responsibility and is often serious by nature. This sign is ruled by the 10th house which is about career, reputation, results and responsibilities.
The Strawberry Moon gets its name from the delicious bountiful strawberries that are harvested this month. This beautiful fruit symbolizes love and luck and this full moon embodied the magic and fullness of life.
Living in harmony with the Moon, the Stars and the Earth connects us to our internal universe and natural flow. As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul.
✨Opening Ritual + Smoke Blessing
✨Full Moon in Capricorn Invocation
✨Syncing with the Monthly Moon Cycle
✨Spirit of Earth Native Oracle Card Reading
✨Astro Forecast
✨Reiki Infused Meditation
✨Closing Circle
HOSTED BY: Megan Allen
Suggested donation $22. Pay what you can; all are welcome.
We deeply care for the Earth. For every ticket purchased, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to One Tree Planted to plant 1 tree. As we give back to ourselves, we give back to Mother Earth.
⟡ Please register to reserve your spot. Once you sign up, you will receive an eventbrite email confirmation that includes the Zoom link and password.
⟡ A replay will be sent out post ceremony to all who sign up so you don't have to attend live in order to sign up + enjoy the ceremony.
⟡ Find a cozy, quiet space to sit or lie down comfortably.
⟡ Bring a pen + journal or something to write on.
⟡ Bring your favorite crystals to charge, a candle, sage, palo santo or incense + any magical items to create a sacred space for your journey.
⟡ Invite family + friends to experience the ceremony with you.