We are also amidst the powerful and mystical Lion's Gate Portal that is active from July 26th-August 12th. Many ancient civilizations tracked the rising of Sirius, believing it was a sacred time of rebirth, renewal, abundance and higher consciousness. Our spiritual Sun, Sirius, rises when our regular Sun is in the sign of Leo giving this period the name Lion's Gate.
August 8th has become known as the peak of this portal because of the numerology 8.8 representing DNA activations and the ability for us to take this freshly risen Sirius energy into our core being. On a deeper level, it is also believed that Sirius can unlock light codes, hidden information and greater spiritual awareness if we are open to this energy. It is common to experience healings and awakenings during this powerful and potent portal.
Next week is a big week as we have the peak of the Lion's Gate Portal on 8.8 and the Aquarius Super Full Moon on 8.11.
Join me next Wednesday, August 10th for a virtual Lion's Gate Portal + Full Moon Activation. During our time together, we will tap into this potent energy and through our heart and third eye chakras, receive downloads and activate our DNA.
✨ Opening Circle + Smoke Blessing
✨ Full Moon in Aquarius Invocation
✨ Spirit of Air Native Oracle Card Reading
✨ Astro Forecast
✨ Lion's Gate Portal Ritual + Activation
✨ Journaling
✨ Closing Circle
GUIDED BY: Megan Allen
⟡ Smudging Tools: Sage, Palo Santo or Incense
⟡ 1 Essential Oil (you will use during our ritual on the back of your neck)
⟡ 2 Crystals for our Ritual
⟡ Any magical items to create a sacred space for your journey.
⟡ A Candle + Lighter
⟡ Journal + Pen
⟡ Water
⟡ Please register to reserve your spot. Once you sign up, you will receive an eventbrite email confirmation that includes the Zoom link and password.
⟡ A replay will be sent out post activation to all who sign up so you don't have to attend live in order to sign up + enjoy the activation.
⟡ Invite family + friends to experience the activation with you.
⟡ Find a cozy, quiet space to sit or lie down comfortably.
We deeply care for the Earth. For every ticket purchased, $1 will be donated to our partner One Tree Planted to plant 1 tree. As we give back to ourselves, we give back to Mother Earth.