Megan Allen
As we approach the threshold of a new year, take time to look back and reflect on this year in order to make space to vision and look forward to next year.
It is important to honor and celebrate where we have been, what we have moved through and what we have accomplished before springing into action in the New Year.
Give yourself this gift of reflection and you can even make it into a ritual.
Find some quiet time
Create sacred space
Pour yourself a cup of your favorite tea
Light a candle
Take a few cleansing and grounding deep breaths
Draw your attention inward and connect with you heart
Open your journal and reflect
Begin with gratitude- what are you grateful for?
Free write or use the reflection questions below
Connect back with your heart
Blow out your candle
How have I evolved?
What skills have I developed?
What challenges have I moved through?
What limiting beliefs or behaviors have I released?
How have I healed?
What am I proud of?
What is my biggest takeaway?
Sending you gratitude, support, grace and ease!
With Love + Gratitude,