The trees are about to show you how to let go! As the trees drop their leaves, it is time for you to release any burdens, limiting beliefs and stressors you are carrying upon your being that no longer serve you in order to lighten your load as you continue to evolve and move into the next season. Come celebrate the first day of Autumn with soul family and tap into this potent energy to clear, align and refine so you can truly reap the benefits of all the hard work you have done throughout the year. It’s Harvest Time!
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Would you like to be more happy, connected and empowered?
You are created to function as a whole. Your body is made of intelligent cells, wired to restore health. The mind, body and spirit are inseparably connected and communicate at a cellular level. We want to nourish this vital connection between the three.
Emotions are Processed throughout Your Body.
You can think of emotions as E-Motion or energy in motion. Our emotions are meant to be felt, expressed and moved out of the body.
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The trees are about to show you how to let go. As the trees drop their leaves, it is time for you to release any burdens, limiting beliefs and stressors you are carrying upon your being that no longer serve you in order to lighten your load as you continue to evolve and move into the next season. From September 20th-27th you have one of the most powerful portals open to you...The Fall Equinox.
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