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Megan Allen

Everything is energy and that it all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - Albert Einstein



1. The strength and vitality required for sustained physical and mental activity. 
2. Power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines. 

We exchange energy on a daily basis both with the people we interact with and the activities we do. Hugs are energy transfer. If you try hugging someone connecting the left sides of your hearts you are getting closer to each others hearts and can feel the electrical currents flowing. Currency is also form of energy exchange that we use to purchase and sell things, pay for services and trade. 

Energy follows thought ↠ Energy flows where attention goes. It is important to keep your thoughts positive and focused on the reality you want and are constantly creating. 

Energy is all around us and within us. Emotions are energy in motion and fluctuate throughout the day as does our energy levels. The moon affects the tides of the ocean and it also affects our emotional body and the inner flow of a woman’s body and menstrual cycle. 

Energy is the foundation of all things. E = mc2 is the world's most famous equation that translates to "Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." On the most basic level, the equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing.

We are energetic beings living out this life in a human body. We get to think, feel, emote and share in our oneness. We have the use of our 6 senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste and intuition- to ride the waves of life and experience the depths and beauty of this time we have on this planet. Relax your mind, let your body unwind and ground with the Earth so your soul can move freely. I think of the soul as the part of us that move through us and around us and that which connects us to the great Divine. 
“The five elements- wood, fire, earth, metal, water- encompass all the phenomena of nature. It is a symbolism that applies itself equally to man.” Su Wen
The five elements theory provides a master blueprint that diagrams how nature interacts with the body and how the different dimensions of our being impact each other. 
When looking at the promoting cycle, we can see how each element flows into the next and transfers energy and form. 
🔥 makes Earth ↠ ⛰ creates Metal (Mineral) ↠ 🥣 Holds Water ↠ 💦 nurtures Wood ↠ 🌳 feeds Fire.

With Love + Gratitude,