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Filtering by Category: Astrology


Megan Allen

Today, Twosday, 2.22.22 Portal is the last 222 portal of the century! During this potent portal, energy will be flowing in to open our hearts and activate our souls.

2 in numerology references the energy of duality, partnership, balance and harmony. Angel number 22222 represents everything aligning at the right time for your highest and greatest good. You have been laying the groundwork over the past few weeks and months and now are the perfect conditions for you to reach your highest potential. Now is the time for you to receive the fruits of your labor.

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Megan Allen

Today is the final New Moon of 2021 and a new path is opening. Sagittarius, a fire sign, is ruled by Jupiter, then planet of expansion, luck and enjoyment. Eclipses are about transformation and integration. The Universe is putting us through an accelerated initiation. People and situations from your past will surface to see whether you have integrated your lessons. This is a time to bring up the leaves that are ready to fall off in order to make room for new growth to come in. Be kind to yourself, stay hydrated and nourished and get plenty of rest during this transition.

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Megan Allen

Can you feel the strength and love of Leo Season 🦁?

Leo, is a 🔥 sign and is ruled by the ☀️It is connected to the Heart + Small Intestine meridians and governs the heart, cardiovascular system, spine and back.

The themes of this fixed sign are: Courage, Creativity + Fun 🤩

During this season we connect with the power of our hearts. This is a wonderful time to embrace all of your emotions from Cancer season with courage. Transmute your wounds into your greatest gifts. Tune into your solar plexus and ignite your inner flame. Take bold actions and trust your decisions. You are supported by the divine.

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