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Filtering by Tag: Innovation


Megan Allen

Calling all aspiring entrepreneurs! I am honored and excited to be the wellness partner for the upcoming HomeGrown Business Summit on Saturday, January 22nd offering wellness tips and techniques for entrepreneurs to cultivate mind, body and soul balance while creating a thriving business from home.

With the global rise of working from home, we are entering a new era where having the power to work for yourself from home is more accessible than it has ever been before. Welcome to the new paradigm!

At HomeGrown 2022, the content and theme will focus on the latest and greatest tools and tips that are influencing small business innovation and bring together the companies behind them that will change the way we work.

Come explore this one day innovation summit and meet new collaborators, partners, products, and services that can support you on your business journey.

Save 15% off your All Access Pass by registering here !

Here We Grow 🌱🌳

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