As this year comes to a close and we complete the cycle of 2022, this is a great opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months. It is important to honor and celebrate what we have moved through and accomplished before springing into action in the New Year. Take this week to look back, acknowledge and clear in order to make space to vision and look forward next week. Give yourself this gift and you can even make it into a ritual.
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Happy Virgo Full Moon! Under this Full Moon energy, let's release anything in our way and cleanse and purify ourselves and our space in order to step into the Spring refreshed and revitalized with a clear path to do whatever we choose.
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Today we celebrate the Winter Solstice, the first day of Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. This brings us the shortest day and longest night of the year.
Winter is a time to turn inward, rest and hibernate like bear. We can learn a lot from plants and animals; how they use and conserve their energy, how they prepare for different seasons and do not hurry yet everything is accomplished.
Take time to rest and reset over the next couple weeks as we close out 2021.
Here are a few rituals to guide you through this time and into the coming of the light🌟
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